Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dining in the Dark at Chef Adrianne's

Imagine eating in the dark while blindfolded with nothing but candlelights on, and to top that off, not knowing what's on the menu. To truly enhance this unique experience, you'll be better off putting some of your table manners aside. Letting go is even easier in the dark. It may sound somewhat bizarre, but it's a concept that originated in Europe. When you lose your sense of sight, all your other senses become more acute. Therefore, the flavors become even more alive when you savor them. Instead of traveling thousands of miles to be a part of it, you can do it right here in South Florida at Chef Adrianne's Vineyard. This special event only takes place a few times a year, but when it does, it's truly unforgettable. The theme on this occasion was "Morrocan Nights." After seating about 50 guests, Chef Adrianne introduces herself and gives an overview of the event. It's an 8 course dinner, but all the portions are similar to samplers. Now, blindfolds on and be very careful not to spill anything. Trust me, it's quite a difficult task.
First, the servers brought a glass of champagne and Naan (pita with a curry garlic olive oil and oregano). It's amazing how your sense of smell and taste is enhanced. As you begin to feel the food and smell it, you can immediately detect some of the key ingredients. The following course was a delicious and very refreshing Morrocan Chickpea and Feta Salad with olives and cucumbers. No forks were needed for this salad, just your fingers! One of our personal favorites was the Moroccan Lentil soup. It took approximately 7-8 hours in preparation, and it was simply exquisite. The soup was very creamy and also had a hint of bacon. By now, everyone is even more excited to try the next courses. The tables are starting to get a little messy, but remember, no one is looking. The fourth course was a Curry Chicken topped with Caramelized Onions and Red Wine Tasting. Chicken is normally not very flavorful, but this meal was the exception. The chicken was tender with yummy Moroccan spices and curry. The onions were also so amazing that I couldn't even tell what they were. The next dish is saved for the richest class in Morocco, Filet Mignon with Curried Carrot Puree. Can I just say WOW?!?! Armando was even licking his fingers which would be a big NO NO had it not been dark dining. Just refer to the picture on the right. The carrot puree was beyond extraordinary. It was sweet with a hint of spices and very creamy, and the filet mignon was sliced into small pieces so it could be eaten easily. This truly had us craving for more and more. The night started coming to an end with a Honey and Pepper Salmon with Pine Nut Couscous, and last but not least, dessert, a Passion Fruit Goat Cheese Cheesecake. Every dish truly took you to Morocco. Once the blindfolds came off, we had quite a couple of crumbs and stains on the white tablecloth. Well, I guess that was no surprise.
We recommend this event to any food lovers out there that also enjoy a little adventure. There is nothing to be afraid of because Chef Adrianne will never let you down with her cooking. Trust that everything she serves, even when you can't see it, will be MAGNIFICENT! For those of you interested in partaking in this unique event, we will certainly keep you posted. You just might find us there again because we won't miss it!

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